Schofferhofer Hefeweizen (Wheat Beer)
German Wheat Beer.
Schöfferhofer Hefeweizen is the most popular variant of the Schöfferhofer Classics range. If you look carefully, you’ll notice there’s little bit of yeast left in the bottom of each bottle. And thanks to a higher amount of hop, it tastes slightly more flavorful than other wheat beers – yet boasts a fresh and tangy fruitiness.
Even visually, it is a true delight: Its shiny amber color is one of a kind. But we might as well spare you all the talking. After all, the best way to feel Schöfferhofer’s sparkle is to open up a bottle, pour it slowly into a freshly rinsed wheat beer glass (Hold it tilted to avoid excess foam!) and take a first sip. Cheers!