Wild Fire

Wild Fire Riesling 2019 (Grampians)

SKU: W060


2019 · 750ML ·

Grampians - Australia

Award Winning Victorian Riesling:

The noble Riesling grape is making a real resurgence. The modern Riesling styles are all about freshness, acidity and flavour. Most are designed to drink young, enhancing the food pairing ability of this wine style.

The Grampians area is recognised nationally as one of the truly great Riesling growing areas. The hot days, cold nights, high soil acidity and perfumed nose characters are all important to make a great Riesling.

The Wild Fire 2019 Grampians Riesling exhibits all the characters of the area, and then some. This fruit was picked slightly early to ensure lively acidity, moderate alcohol, minerality and finesse. A touch of sweetness has also been retained to complement this wine’s food pairing ability, although it can still be enjoyed fully as an aperitif.

Awarded a high silver medal and included in the trophy taste-off round at last year’s Victorian Wine Show.

This wine will reward cellaring to produce the aged Riesling characters that many Riesling drinkers enjoy, however it goes very well now with spicy Thai or Indian style foods.

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